Hi, I’m Tami. Welcome!

My journey is a reflection of going on adventures, taking risks, and many learnings along the way.

I’ve always been a creative person with a knack for connecting the dots, finding gaps, and strategic thinking. But if you had told me in my early 30s that this is where I’d be today, I’m not sure I would have believed you…

See, for years, I played small. I let fear stop me from taking action.

I am very familiar with what is like to feel paralyzed by ALL the things I thought I needed to do/have figured out to feel "ready".

I would spend months on end prepping and planning— I kept myself busy doing “busy work” that got me nowhere because I wasn’t taking any meaningful action.

I let fear stop me from doing the thing I wanted the most... and that was to have my own business, be my own boss, and do the work that truly fulfilled me.

I had enough of living a life that didn't honour who I wanted to become.

And it all started with learning to trust myself.

After design school, nutrition school, and many years of working in the corporate world, I was ready to do something for myself, and so my adventures in entrepreneurship began.

My first ever try at entrepreneurship was as a professional organizer— for people’s homes, offices, files, you name it!

A few years later, I developed my 2nd business idea over 12 months— a food truck! I validated, tested, and developed recipes, but ultimately I decided not to pursue it (that is a fun story for another time).

While those businesses didn’t take off as I had hoped, I learned so many invaluable lessons along the way.

Here I was, still wanting to do something for myself and create an impact in someone else's life.

In 2018, I began supporting women entrepreneurs as a Virtual Assistant, and it soon became clear that I was bringing much more value to the table.

My entrepreneurship journey, my background in design and my experience in various industries gave me a diverse set of skills, allowing me to think outside the box and bring various ideas and solutions to my clients.

In 2019, I was given the opportunity to go full-time with one of my VA clients. This was one of the hardest and easiest decisions I’ve ever made.

Why hard and easy? Because, on one end, I wanted to continue being self-employed.

But I also knew that by taking the leap, I would be joining an amazing team of women who were deeply passionate about the work they were doing– a Canadian impact-driven brand with a global community impacting lives.

So I took the leap!

As a key team member from mid-2019 to mid-2021, I actively participated in the sales strategy and planning of multiple yearly launches for offers ranging from $7 to $5K.

For 2 years, I was immersed in the world of online courses, scaling a digital business strategically, launches, digital products, social media, blogging, newsletters, you name it. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT ALL!!!

Soon enough, I knew that my journey had to circle back to entrepreneurship. I knew that with the new skills I harnessed, I could support other women entrepreneurs in a more direct and impactful way.

With a gentle push and encouragement from my husband and a “Can you help me?!” from a dear friend who was getting ready to launch a beta round of her first online course... I decided to go for it!

The hands-on experience I received during that time, combined with my creative problem-solving skills, led me to transition into my marketing strategy business.

And here I am today…

I feel the luckiest because get to support and guide the most amazing and inspiring coaches and service providers who deeply care about their work and their impact.

I am my client’s biggest cheerleader.

Curious to work with me?